- The organisation which governs a city, county, département etc. (2 words)
- Adjective meaning you can't see
- Happens every year
- A document which describes a project, event etc. Often for your boss
- The eighth month of the year
- Asian country which is the most populous in the world
- The opposite of near
- Prosperous
- You place one of these when you want to buy a product
- Money that the government gives to encourage or help
- The opposite of first
- adjective for Automobile
- Saves energy (2 words)
- You need this to build a factory on
- Does what it is supposed to do
- When you produce too much (2 words)
- The adjective for preference
- a synonym of place
- Articles
- A business which produces things
- What the leader is
- %
- The sector which manufactures things
- Opposite of the beginning
- When you sell something, you make a ......