- An official request (for a job, a permit etc.)
- The metric version of a ton
- A trailer which isn’t articulated (two words)
- An authorization
- Noun meaning what you carry in your truck for clients. Verb meaning to put goods into the truck
- Verb meaning to take the goods out of the truck ready for delivery
- Little pieces of wood, potato or silicon
- To make sure
- A way of driving under things like rivers, the sea etc.
- A company which offers services to other companies
- A perimeter (around a building or a city)
- A type of junction that you have to drive around (clockwise in the UK!)
- The weight with everything included (two words)
- The weight of truck in road-going condition without driver or load (two words)
- A business or individual who transports goods by road
- Where physical harm is involved
- From the evening to the next morning
- Where goods or information is in danger
- A punishment consisting of paying money
- The noun for “wide”
- A central bar holding wheels on each side. Trucks and combinations can have 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of these
- The activity of putting too much into your truck
- A fast road in the British Isles with four or more lanes
- The fact of being large or little
- The activity of transporting goods by road
- A type of collision where two vehicles hit each other’s sides
- A part that enables you to see around the blind spot in your rear view mirror (two words)
- A type of truck or trailer which is covered and which can be loaded from the side
- Expression meaning “respecting” (three words)
- A shortened version of an articulated lorry
- A measurement expressed in kilos, grams, tonnes etc.
- The noun for “deep”
- A road junction
- To go over
- Goods which are carried
- If this happens, you need to take the wheel off to repair it
- Monday and Thursday are. Sunday isn’t! (two words)
- A trailer with rigid sides and top (two words)
- Crossing. Going through a city or a country
- To subscribe or record your participation
- The activity of driving too fast
- What happens at the end of the transport
- Rubber parts which stop the wheels from touching the road
- reimburse
- The adjective for “high”
- What happens to the road and to the lorry after a lot of use (three words)
- The weight of the truck without, fuel, driver or load (two words)
- What you need if you have a problem
- In the same area as
- Side by side (two words)
- False
- A major road in the British Isles (two words)
- A synonym of trucks
- The reason why something exists
- In French it’s “PL”